Zarqa Free Zones Commission Responds to Royal Call with Ambulance Donation for Gaza

Following the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II and in line with a campaign initiated by the Governorate of Zarqa, the Free Zones Investors Commission has contributed 9 fully equipped ambulances to the Hashemite Charity Organization to aid the people of Gaza.

The ceremonious handover, presided over by Zarqa Governor Hassan Al-Jabour, was attended by notable figures including Dr. Hussein Al-Abadi, Secretary-General of the Hashemite Charity Organization, and Mohammad Al-Bustanji, Chairman of the Free Zones Investors Commission. The event, marked by the presence of key investors from the Zarqa Free Zone, was not just a transaction but a testament to Jordan's solidarity and community spirit.

Governor Al-Jabour remarked on the occasion, "This gesture is more than aid; it's a symbol of our unwavering solidarity with Gaza, mirroring the commitment of our leadership and the compassionate spirit of the Jordanian people."

Echoing this sentiment, Mohammad Al-Bustanji highlighted the broader significance of the donation, "This is not just about providing medical aid. It's about affirming our place alongside our brothers and sisters, guided by the Hashemite tradition of humanitarian support."

The addition of these ambulances is expected to significantly bolster medical response capabilities in Gaza, providing critical care amidst challenging circumstances. This move, reflective of the communal and humanitarian ethos of Jordan, also underscores the nation's role and responsibility in addressing regional crises.

The Free Zones Investors Commission, along with the broader Jordanian community, hopes this contribution will not only alleviate immediate suffering but also reinforce the bonds of brotherhood and mutual support that extend across borders in times of need.

Al-Bustanji: Over 1,000 Vehicles Bound for Jordan Stranded Due to Bab el-Mandeb Tensions

Mohammad Al-Bustanji, the head of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Association, has estimated that over 1,000 vehicles destined for Jordan are currently stranded on ships due to recent events in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

Al-Bustanji notes that the current situation is relatively stable, and there is market steadiness. However, he warns of the repercussions if the crisis continues for two to three weeks, asserting that this will inevitably lead to a rise in prices due to increased shipping costs.

This price hike is primarily attributed to the closure of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, a major artery for goods coming into the kingdom via the Red Sea.

Al-Bustanji added that there's disruption and delay in directing ships, with more than one ship's cargo being rerouted and some being offloaded at different ports in search of alternative routes. If the crisis persists, importers may turn to importing goods via the port of Jebel Ali in Dubai and then transporting them by land to Jordan, which will increase both the cost and time of shipping.

Al-Bustanji emphasized that more than 90% of goods entering Jordan from Asia pass through the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb. Even goods arriving via the Suez Canal and typically passing through the Red Sea will be affected by the closure.

He expressed hope that the crisis would be resolved soon to ensure the stability of supply chains and maintain price stability.

The General Commission for Investors in the Jordanian Free Zones Approves the Amended Regulations for 2023

In a significant step towards empowering the investment environment in free zones, the General Commission for Investors in the Jordanian Free Zones approved the amended regulations for 2023 in a meeting held on Tuesday with the presence of a representative from the Ministry of Interior. This action especially confirms the Commission's commitment to keeping pace with the rapid developments and continuous changes in the investment structure in the Kingdom.

The Chairman of the Commission, Mohammad Al-Bastanji, stated in his remarks that the new amendments did not come out of nowhere but were a considered response to the urgent need for updating the system, the last of which was in 1994. He noted that the previous system, despite its efficiency when approved, now requires an update to align with global and local investment trends.

Al-Bastanji added that the new amendments took into account the preservation of the fundamental regulatory articles governing the Commission's operations and the mechanism of dealing with investors in the free zones, pointing out that the primary goal is to enhance transparency, efficiency, and facilitate procedures for investors. He also emphasized the general importance of this amendment, explaining that it not only relates to improving the Commission's internal system but also extends its impact to enhancing the entire investment environment in the Kingdom, contributing to attracting more investments and stimulating economic growth.

In conclusion, Al-Bastanji stressed the Commission's commitment to continue working and collaborating with all partners to achieve the Kingdom's ambitious vision towards a sophisticated and sustainable investment environment.


Al Bastanji: Electric vehicles seize more than 50% of the clearance activity from the Zarqa Free Zone.


There is a notable decline in the clearance of petrol and diesel vehicles, against a rise in electric and hybrid ones.

There was a 15.7% growth in the clearance activity of 'hybrid' vehicles during the first ten months of 2023.

During the first ten months of 2023, the Chairman of the Jordan Free Zone Investors Association, Mohammad Al Bastanji, announced statistical data on vehicle clearance activity from the Zarqa Free Zone, compared to the same period in 2022.

Al Bastanji revealed that electric vehicles have captured more than 50 percent of the total vehicle clearance activity in the first ten months of 2023, reflecting a growing trend towards reliance on this type of vehicle.

He indicated that electric vehicles experienced a significant leap in the number of vehicles cleared during this period, with approximately 30,912 vehicles, marking an increase of 137.82% over the 12,997 vehicles last year.

It was also noted that the number of petrol vehicles cleared during the same period in 2023 was 10,034, a decrease of 25.33% compared to 13,434 vehicles in the same period of 2022.

Clearance of petrol vehicles during the first ten months of 2023 accounted for 16.3% of the total clearance activity, which amounted to 61,475 vehicles.

Additionally, diesel vehicles cleared experienced a decrease to 6,651 vehicles, an 18.32% decline from the previous year, which recorded 8,143 vehicles.

In a noteworthy development, Al Bastanji pointed to the increase in the number of hybrid vehicles to 13,876 during this period of 2023, a growth rate of 15.7% over 11,992 vehicles in 2022.

He explained that clearance on hybrid vehicles during this period in 2023 represented 22.56% of the total for the current year.

Regarding re-exportation, the numbers reached 38,188 vehicles, marking an increase of 6.41% over 35,890 vehicles the previous year.

Al Bastanji expressed optimism about these figures, reflecting the local market's confidence in the vehicles imported from the free zone, especially electric vehicles.

He appreciated the government's decision to implement guarantees on vehicles, which increased clearance activity in the free zone. The guarantees provided the buyer from the free zone with a better price and a warranty for their vehicle for three years for electric vehicles or 50,000 kilometers, whichever comes first, and two years or 40,000 kilometers for petrol and hybrid vehicles.

Clearance of Electric Vehicles Soars by 157.8% in the First Nine Months of 2023


Jihad Abu Nasser, the representative of the vehicle sector at the Jordan Free Zones Investors Commission, has reported substantial growth in the clearance of electric vehicles at the Zarqa Free Zone during the first nine months of 2023.

Electric vehicles have taken a significant lead, with their numbers surging by 157.8%, rising from 10,679 vehicles in 2022 to 27,509 vehicles in 2023.

In a press release, Abu Nasser emphasized that electric cars represent the future, highlighting their advanced technologies, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Hybrid vehicles also saw a notable increase of 34.1%, with 12,594 vehicles cleared in 2023, up from 9,384 in the previous year.

Conversely, gasoline vehicles experienced a decline of 20.2%, with clearances falling to 9,253 vehicles in 2023 from 11,588 in 2022.

Diesel vehicle clearances decreased by 11.6%, down to 5,733 in 2023 from 6,484 in the previous year.

Re-exports have risen by 15.2%, with a total of 34,022 vehicles in 2023 compared to 29,536 in 2022.

Abu Nasser stressed that imported electric vehicles adhere to the highest international standards of safety and reliability.

He cautioned against any unauthorized interventions in the software of these vehicles, which could lead to significant damage and malfunctions.

Abu Nasser also pointed out that there are numerous specialized centers within the Kingdom employing highly qualified engineering talents to ensure the optimal performance of vehicles and to provide necessary consumer support."

Jordan's Free Zones Investors Committee Hosts Interior Minister

Al-Faraya: Approval granted for investors and traders of restricted nationalities to enter Jordan for investment or even for visits.

Al-Faraya: Security in Jordan is a relative advantage in this turbulent region, and we are in a safe and stable country.

Al-Bastanji appreciates the ongoing support from the Ministry of the Interior and the efforts led by Minister Al-Faraya to enhance investment.

Al-Gharaibeh: Free zones are a main hub for various activities such as commerce, services, and industry.

On Tuesday morning, the Jordan's Free Zones Investors Committee hosted the Interior Minister, Mr. Mazen Al-Faraya. He was received by Mr. Mohammed Al-Bastanji, the head of the Committee, and members of the board of directors.

Also in attendance were the Governor of Zarqa, Mr. Hassan Al-Jabour, and Mr. Abdulhamid Al-Gharaibeh, the General Manager of the Jordanian Group for Free and Development Zones, in addition to the security agencies' directors and the customs department in the free zone.

Interior Minister, Mazen Al-Faraya, announced the approval for investors and traders of restricted nationalities to enter Jordan for the purposes of investment or even for visits.

The Interior Minister emphasized the country's unwavering commitment to maintaining security and stability, noting that "Security in Jordan is a relative advantage in this turbulent region, and we are in a safe and stable country."

He also touched on the issue of localizing investments, stating that the government is keen on reviewing all relevant legislations.

Regarding his visit to the free zone, he underscored the support for the Jordan's Free Zones Investors Committee.

The Minister emphasized the need not to favor foreign labor over Jordanian labor, saying, "We shouldn't lead our youth to a stage of frustration due to unemployment."

He called for encouraging Jordanian workers to engage in the free zones, emphasizing not to widen the job gap between Jordanian jobs and overcoming any stigma-related culture.

He also stressed the role of the Ministry of the Interior in facilitating the entry procedures for technicians, businessmen, and investors of restricted nationalities to participate in enhancing the country's industry.

For his part, the head of the Jordan's Free Zones Investors Committee, Mohammed Al-Bastanji, welcomed the minister, noting that the committee, established in 1994, operates as a non-profit civil society institution serving free zone investors in all their activities.

Al-Bastanji appreciated the continuous support from the Ministry of the Interior and the efforts led by Minister Al-Faraya to enhance investment, reflecting the commitment to achieving King Abdullah II's directives regarding sustainable development and prosperity through stimulating investment.

He thanked the technical inspection committee and the customs department staff for their efforts, with the volume of vehicle declarations reaching around 950 vehicles daily.

He concluded by thanking the minister for his support to the committee in achieving the benefits for the investors and realizing the aspirations.

Al-Bastanji Welcomes Cabinet Decision on Written Guarantees for New Vehicles


Mohammad Al-Bastanji, the Chairman of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , welcomed the new decision by the Council of Ministers that requires traders to provide a written guarantee on new vehicles, saying, "We welcome the decision of the Council of Ministers and encourage all traders to respect it and implement it accurately."

Al-Bastanji explained that from the beginning, the Commission has been supportive of all decisions that enhance consumer confidence and protect their rights. 

He pointed out that it is well known that many traders in the free zones have contracts with private maintenance centers and offer guarantees on the vehicles they sell under those contracts.

Al-Bastanji emphasized strong support for all efforts that enhance customer confidence in the safety of the vehicles they purchase. 

He considers this decision to improve the quality of vehicles available in the market and protect consumers, thereby benefiting all stakeholders, whether they are buyers, sellers, or enforcement agencies.

He also stressed the commitment to support this decision and work with relevant authorities to ensure its effective and fruitful implementation.

It appears that the Association and its President see the new decision as a positive step toward increasing consumer confidence and maintaining a higher standard of quality and safety for new vehicles in the free zones.

Coordinating Meeting Between Customs and the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Association


The Director-General of Jordanian Customs, Engineer Jalal Al-Qudah, emphasized the Customs Department's commitment to simplifying procedures and removing all kinds of obstacles facing traders and investors in the Zarqa Free Zone, in collaboration and coordination with partners in the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission .

The meeting, which included several directors of the Jordanian Customs Department, members of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , and a representative from the clearance companies, discussed how to alleviate the difficulties facing some traders and investors in the Zarqa Free Zone. Topics included the inspection procedures at the Dalil gateway for vehicles and the shortage of inspectors. Al-Qudah listened to several observations and suggestions from the association members and some importing traders that aim to expedite transactions and save time and effort in completing customs transactions and declarations.

On his part, the Chairman of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , Mohammad Al-Bastanji, welcomed the responsiveness and cooperation of the Director-General and employees of the Jordanian Customs Department on all observations and suggestions. He discussed some of the obstacles facing investors in Jordanian Free Zones, expressing his confidence in the joint work with Customs to improve the quality and level of service provided. Al-Bastanji commended the significant role the department plays in serving the free zone and its traders and investors around the clock. He also praised the department's open-door policy to provide smooth customs services within the framework of continuous improvement, particularly in automating and developing the clearance areas recently.




Abu Nasser: New Vehicle Inspection Mechanism Will Focus on Public Safety Aspects

Jihad Abu Nasser, the representative for the vehicle sector in the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , said that several meetings have been held in recent days with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Licensing Department to develop a method for implementing the Cabinet’s decision regarding the new vehicle inspection mechanism.

He added in a talk for "Hayat News Bulletin" that the new inspection mechanism will apply to all vehicles in the local market. The focus of the inspection will be on aspects of public safety, such as the operation of airbags and brake systems, to ensure compliance with international standards and to protect passengers in case of accidents.

He revealed, "About 47,000 vehicles have been cleared since the beginning of this year, while around 8,000 vehicles entered the local market last August, 5,000 of which are electric."

He pointed out that vehicle prices in the local market have dropped, particularly for electric cars, due to a decrease in their prices in their countries of origin. For example, in China, there has been a price war to make consumers in the Chinese market more willing to buy, which has, in turn, affected other import markets and the Jordanian market.

It is worth mentioning that the Cabinet decided last June to subject all new types of cars (gasoline, hybrid, electric) to a mandatory warranty when sold by dealers and showroom owners who are not agents. This decision will come into effect at the beginning of next October.

A new inspection mechanism that aligns with global public safety standards for cars has also been approved for technical examination by the Vehicle Licensing Department and other related entities.

For his part, Youssef Al-Shamali, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply, confirmed that the decision stipulates that cars (of the model year of clearance, the preceding year, or the following year, and that have traveled less than 1,000 kilometers and are imported by dealers and showroom owners who are not agents) will be subject to a mandatory warranty.

The new inspection mechanism that aligns with global public safety standards for cars has also been approved for technical examination by the Vehicle Licensing Department and other related entities.