Coordinating Meeting Between Customs and the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Association


The Director-General of Jordanian Customs, Engineer Jalal Al-Qudah, emphasized the Customs Department's commitment to simplifying procedures and removing all kinds of obstacles facing traders and investors in the Zarqa Free Zone, in collaboration and coordination with partners in the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission .

The meeting, which included several directors of the Jordanian Customs Department, members of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , and a representative from the clearance companies, discussed how to alleviate the difficulties facing some traders and investors in the Zarqa Free Zone. Topics included the inspection procedures at the Dalil gateway for vehicles and the shortage of inspectors. Al-Qudah listened to several observations and suggestions from the association members and some importing traders that aim to expedite transactions and save time and effort in completing customs transactions and declarations.

On his part, the Chairman of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , Mohammad Al-Bastanji, welcomed the responsiveness and cooperation of the Director-General and employees of the Jordanian Customs Department on all observations and suggestions. He discussed some of the obstacles facing investors in Jordanian Free Zones, expressing his confidence in the joint work with Customs to improve the quality and level of service provided. Al-Bastanji commended the significant role the department plays in serving the free zone and its traders and investors around the clock. He also praised the department's open-door policy to provide smooth customs services within the framework of continuous improvement, particularly in automating and developing the clearance areas recently.