Abu Nasser: New Vehicle Inspection Mechanism Will Focus on Public Safety Aspects

Jihad Abu Nasser, the representative for the vehicle sector in the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Commission , said that several meetings have been held in recent days with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Licensing Department to develop a method for implementing the Cabinet’s decision regarding the new vehicle inspection mechanism.

He added in a talk for "Hayat News Bulletin" that the new inspection mechanism will apply to all vehicles in the local market. The focus of the inspection will be on aspects of public safety, such as the operation of airbags and brake systems, to ensure compliance with international standards and to protect passengers in case of accidents.

He revealed, "About 47,000 vehicles have been cleared since the beginning of this year, while around 8,000 vehicles entered the local market last August, 5,000 of which are electric."

He pointed out that vehicle prices in the local market have dropped, particularly for electric cars, due to a decrease in their prices in their countries of origin. For example, in China, there has been a price war to make consumers in the Chinese market more willing to buy, which has, in turn, affected other import markets and the Jordanian market.

It is worth mentioning that the Cabinet decided last June to subject all new types of cars (gasoline, hybrid, electric) to a mandatory warranty when sold by dealers and showroom owners who are not agents. This decision will come into effect at the beginning of next October.

A new inspection mechanism that aligns with global public safety standards for cars has also been approved for technical examination by the Vehicle Licensing Department and other related entities.

For his part, Youssef Al-Shamali, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply, confirmed that the decision stipulates that cars (of the model year of clearance, the preceding year, or the following year, and that have traveled less than 1,000 kilometers and are imported by dealers and showroom owners who are not agents) will be subject to a mandatory warranty.

The new inspection mechanism that aligns with global public safety standards for cars has also been approved for technical examination by the Vehicle Licensing Department and other related entities.